Candleberry Chapel and Candleberry Cottage are very easy to find. They are right on Route 152 in Attleboro, Massachusetts. Driving north on Route 95 from Providence you should take Exit 3, East on Route 123 Toward Attleboro. From Boston travel south on Route 95 to Exit 3A, Route 123 East. From the exit continue to the second traffic light – you are now in County Square. Route 123 goes to the left but you stay straight ahead. Castro’s Liquor Store will be on your right, a Mobil station is on your left. Continuing straight ahead you will cross the new Thatcher Street Bridge bearing to the right. At the stop sign turn right. You are now on Route 152. Candleberry Cottage and Chapel are on your right, six houses after turning at the stop sign. It is a large red Victoria house with a cream colored Victorian fence in front. We welcome you.